Marlborough Police Department
Police Officer Entry Exam
Exam Date: Saturday, October 30th, 2021
On behalf of the Marlborough PD and Police Exam Solutions, we thank you for your interest and participation in the Department. Below we've provided the exam logistics you'll need to prepare you for 'Game Day.' We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Exam Logistics, Deadlines & General Info.
​Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021
Location: Marlborough High School, 431 Bolton Street, Marlborough, MA
Check-in: Begins at 8:15am. Doors close at 9:00am. No entry after 9:00am
What to Bring: (2) No. 2 pencils, your valid photo ID, Face mask, & water.
What NOT to Bring: No smart devices or cell phones. If you are found with any device, you will immediately be disqualified and asked to leave the testing site. No exceptions!
Exam Registration ends at 9am Weds., October 27th
PPI & CIR must be completed by 5pm Weds., October 27th. If you need assistance accessing or completing this portion, it is your responsibility to contact Police Exam Solutions, to ensure you meet this deadline.
EXAM STAGE I: PPI COMPONENT - The first part of the examination process is the Candidate Insight Report (CIR), and the Projected Personality Interpreter (PPI). While you are not scored on this component, completion of your PPI is a prerequisite to sitting for the written exam. There are two sections in this process. The CIR and the PPI. You must complete both sections in order to successfully submit your PPI component.
The CIR will require you to complete a series of questions regarding your demographics, and your skills and qualifications for the job.
The PPI consists of 10 essay questions. Utilizing IBM Watson AI technology, the PPI is used to identify the top key personality traits possessed by candidates. A candidate will not be hired or eliminated from consideration for hire, based on this feedback.
PPI NOTE: BE ON THE LOOKOUT! Upon your successful registration acceptance, the PPI portal will automatically email you a set of access instructions. DEADLINE TO COMPLETE THE PPI: 5pm, October 27, 2021. Failure to complete the PPI component by the deadline, will result in an automatic disqualification. If you do not see your PPI invite in your 'In' box, search for the email from ''. If you are unable to locate your invite, contact PES directly to assist you with your account setup.
EXAM STAGE II: WRITTEN EXAM - The second part of the exam process is the written exam. You will be participating in a written exam specifically tailored for predicting candidate’s best qualified for a career in law enforcement. You will be allotted 2.5 hours to complete your exam.
SCORE TRANSFERS: The Marlborough PD will accept score transfers. Only PES scores received during 2021 are eligible for transfer. To learn more about the transfer process, click here. The deadline to conduct your score transfer: 9am Weds., October 27, 2021.
COVID PRECAUTIONS: Masks/Face coverings are mandatory on exam day.
REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES: No refunds or exchanges will be granted.