Wenham Police Department: REGISTRATION CLOSED
Police Officer
The Town of Wenham and Police Exam Solutions, LLC, are pleased to announce their partnership to administer their 2021 written entry examination on Saturday, June 26, 2021. Candidates are required to meet the minimum qualifications in order to take the entrance exam.
Exam Specifics:
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021
Location: Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA
Check-In: Begins at 8:15am, Doors close at 9:00am. No admittance will be granted after 9:00am under any circumstance.
JUST ANNOUNCED: Physical Agility Test (PAT) Scheduled for July 1, 2021 - Be Prepared!
The Police Officer Physical Agility Test is a demanding component of the testing process. It is strongly suggested that you train to develop your strength and endurance in order to pass this section of the process. The Selection Team will identify police officer candidates (using the highest test scores), who will be eligible to take a (PAT).
Only candidates who pass the written exam on June 26, 2021, are eligible to participate in the PAT's. The PAT's will be held:
DATE, TIME & LOCATION: 3:00pm on July 1, 2021 at the Brigham Athletic Complex, 36 Hull Street, Wenham, MA.
REQUIRED: You must bring your signed waiver the day of the PAT's. To download your copy, click here.
The number of candidates moving to this stage will be determined by the Chief of Police depending on potential needs of the department. To learn more about the Wenham PD PAT process, click here.
What to Bring to the Exam:
Valid Photo ID
Mask are required to enter the test site
(2) No. 2 pencils – We recommend NOT using mechanical pencils
If additional items are added due to the pandemic conditions, you will be contacted by email with the details.
What NOT to Bring to the Exam:
DO NOT BRING YOUR CELL PHONE AND/OR ANY SMART DEVICE. Anyone found possessing these items at the testing site, will immediately be disqualified and asked to leave the location.
PES is here to help! If you have questions, please contact us at info@policeexamsolutions.com, or by calling our office at 781.645.6005.